April 27, 2007

IRG/ERG People: Augusto Fragoso

Augusto is known mainly as chairman of the IRGIS WG, head of the IRGnet Support Team, co-chairman of the IRG Visibility PT and participant in the IRG Informal IT Security WG. But his techno orientation and professional posture stop at the end of the day transforming him into a Argentinean Tango character - a worldwide known tanguero.

President of the most relevant Tango Association in Portugal - LUSITANGO - he organizes one of the most important International Tango Festivals in Europe - this year FTL2007 Festival Internacional de Tango de Lisboa - 23 to 27 May 2007.

You can dare and participate in this incredible event that gathers more than one thousant people from all over the world or just have a look into Lusitango's web site at www.lusitango.com or the Festival's web site at www.lusitango.com/ftl.

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