April 19, 2007

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Yesterday’s meeting with the Vice-President of the Committee for Emergency Communications (former IRG participant, Henrique Gomes) resulted in a very straight forward discussion about the status of communications in case of emergency situations in Portugal and in Europe. The evolution of “traditional” networks to NGN was also discussed and, in particular, the eventual necessity to rethink the concrete reality of critical network infrastructure.

In this context the implications arising from the Communication from the Commission on a European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection [COM (2006) 786 final]
[1] – which followed the Green Paper[2], from the related Proposal for a Directive of the Council on the identification and designation of European Critical Infrastructure and the assessment of the need to improve their protection[3] and from the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection[4][5] were thoroughly discussed, emerging a long path that Europe still has to follow in order to achieve the main objectives set out in those documents.

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